Eredan Arena Wiki

Konis is a Human Warrior from the Avalonians guild.

Guild Avalonians
Race Human
Class Warrior

Highlights: []

  • Noble Heavy Hitter
  • Great cost-efficient Noble Hit
  • Strength buff that opens previous Blues into Swords
  • Final massive Hit that opens one Red into Swords as well
  • Smite feeds off of his Strength buff
  • Bulwark severely hinders his final Hit and Sword Phase
  • 3 Reds are necessary to deal good damage

Level 1 []


Strength: 115

1. RR: Hit 625










Level 2 []


Strength: 120

1. B: Noble Hit 200

2. RR: Hit 625, R->S









Level 3 []


Strength: 125

1. B: Noble Hit 300

2. Y: Noble STR +150, B->S

3. RRR: Hit 1250, R->S





