Kotobas is a guild in Eredan Arena. They are heavily inspired by East Asian designs and aesthetics. The guild boasts a large number of Humans and Guemelites in their ranks, which are the 2 most populous races in Arena. Almost every hero here is dependent on their Strength stat to power up their skills and deal high amounts of damage. As such Strength buffs are common in many of their kits. On the magical aspect, the guild's mages are prone to heavy Fireballs but are not opposed to powerful Shocks as well.
- Ayako Ex
- Ban Kuan
- Ijin Shisei Ex
- Kitsana Ex
- Li Lan
- Malyss Ex
- Nashi
- Toran the Regent
- Xianren Ex
- Yu Ling
- Ziya Ex
- Akutsai Ex
- Chidori
- Dakeza
- Daijin the Crow Ex
- Hime
- Hisomu
- Karasu Kage Ex
- Kime
- Kotori Kage Ex
- Kuro Kage
- Mei-Li
- Ryouken
- Satsume Ex
- Shengdi Ex
- Shui Khan Ex
- Tsuro
- Uinata Ex